Thursday, July 22, 2010

Clayton To Make His "Decision" Next Thursday Live On Mt76 TV

Dan Clayton, former club captain, manager and current board member (and who appeared in the NJCAA (Junior College) Final Four, according to the photo above) is a free agent. The dimunitive defender and long time Continental veteran is currently undecided which club he will join this fall.

When reached for comment club chairman Ryan Vinton said, "I will literally castrate Dan if he plays anywhere else this fall and that's not hyperboyle."  

Clayton played on loan with Sportsfriends FC last Spring while Morristown was in their offseason and the Wayne club is rumored to be  very interested in Clayton.

"It's close to school, and alot of the boys on the squad I played in college with" Clayton said, He also went on to comment " Morristown has been my home for close to four years, I love the supporters and enjoyied playing with the lads".

Clayton has announced through his representatives he will make his playing decision on Mt76TV, next Thursday on a program entitled "Dan Clayton: The Decision", it will air at 9pm ET.                                  


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