Monday, May 17, 2010

Lack of depth concerns coaching staff

Morristown / Hope Nj,

"This offseason has really seemed to motivate the club" Club chairman Ryan Vinton said in a telephone interview over the weekend. Bauer (Russel) and Clayton (Dan) have been doing a great job recruiting and training the lads."

Dan Clayton could not be reached for comment at time of publication due to his commitments with Sportsfriends SC. However we spoke with Russel Bauer about his biggest concern comming into the season he had this to say:

" Definetly fitness always and a lack of depth in the back. We are always concerned about fitness, we have been training hard with about 8-15 guys abour two to three times a week so im not too concerned, but it's always there. However, Speaking with Coach Dan Clayton, we have not set a rotation for the back just yet because of all the trialists that have made the team, they are all midfield and strikers."

" We tentatively have Clayton Slipping to outside back, with Daire on the other side. With Mugs (Mugunthan Naveendra) and Charlie (Charlie Hyre) at centre backs. We had Mike Austin play outside back last year and did quite well, I see him being a force at outside midfield and in a pinch putting him there. Clayton has just started comming back from a major injury and who knows if he will be able to handle the workload, and people are human and need a breather especally with the hot summer forcasted. We might add one or two more to the roster if a defender comes out or steps up."

Well this analyst believes that Clayton will be a liability on defense, in his limited training time with the team, the hip has seemed to be responsive and his cutting abilities that made him a star during the 2008 season have improved, but how much will determine the success of the back four, depth has always been an issue with the team, and with no friendlies scheduled, we will have to see what happens in about a week.

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