Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Continentals Embark On Indoor Season

The Morristown 1776 Association Football Club, Morristown's own mens soccer team, begins their first indoor season tonight, 10:30pm at Indoor Sports Pavalion, located at the intersection of Hanover Ave and Sussex Ave in nearby Randolph.

The Morristown 1776, or the Continentals as they're known to supporters, have played in two outdoor leagues over the past three years and we're looking for a way to keep the club together and in shape during the harsh Morristown winter, similar as to how General Washington once prepared his Continental Army in Morristown during the late 1770's.

The club will play against Incorporated tonight, and feature many familiar faces. The Continentals should showcase veterans Clayton, Deighan, Bauer Brothers, Daire, Pollock, Carvallo and Griffin. Morristown will also feature a new face, Michael "Boo Boo" Cheatum to add some flare to the midfield.

When asked about the upcoming season, manager Ryan Vinton said, "I am excited. I would like to use this opportunity to prepare my club for success in our continued outdoor season this spring at Mennen Field".

Morristown 1776 AFC will play approximately 10 games in this indoor league before continuing their NJSL play in the spring.

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