Monday, February 23, 2009

Global Economic Crisis Afflicts Club

(Morristown, NJ)- The current Global Financial Crisis that is currently engulfing much of the industrialized world seems to have arrived at Continental Park. The club has announced an emergency fundraiser to be held this Friday at "The Tavern", this has led many to speculate the club is in a serious financial crunch.

Club chairman and manager Ryan Vinton, almost never short for a quote refused to comment on the subject via text message today, only furthering the speculation amongst Continental supporters.

A source close to the club did comment on the matter however saying simply, "It's bad, bad like the club might not survive to the spring season, but plans are in place, I'd bet on the club being alright."

Board member Ryan Deighan added,"We wrote Congress asking for a share in the stimulus package, they have yet to respond."

A club spokesperson released this statement, "The club's finances as well as on field performance are not where we would like them, that's why we are recruiting hard and holding the first big fundrasier in club history Friday."

One things for sure, if the clubs finances are as poor as the on the pitch performances have been recently, 1776 could be in real trouble.

From the mood and manner of many high ranking 1776 officials, Fridays Fundraiser appears to possibly be make or break for the club according to some with insider knowledge of the situation.

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