Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Good Afternoon and Thank You.

By now I believe most of you are aware of the reasons for this afternoon's press conference, but I want you to know this is not a sad day for myself or the club rather a gay event.

Three years ago when Ryan (Deighan) and myself founded this club we did so with the intention of playing and this most recent turn of events has stemmed from my return from injury and back to the pitch as a player for The Morristown 1776.

At this time I am in fact resigning from my position as manager of The Morristown 1776 AFC, I will remain on as Chairman of the Board and will continue my hard work to return as a player for the club.

I would like to thank the board and the clubs members for all the support I have been offered as manager over the last year. (pause)

Without you all none of what we did achieve, however meager, would not have been possible.

Last June I started my managerial career with this club with a record of 2-2, that second win in Wayne last June still stands as the last on field victory this club has achieved. The time since then has been changeling and unpleasant at times for both the club and myself. This club has certainly experienced its fair share of adversity since June but we are still standing and going forward.

Todays events have been rumored for some time now, in my defence I have always stated when I thought their was someone more qualified and dedicated for the position of manager I would step down. Well I believe today is that day.

We have always said it would be better if our manager was not in our active playing pool to preserve a more neutral point of view. So now I am making it my goal to return to the playing field.

I am not going to take any questions but the club will be holding a press conference at 3pm tomorrow to name the new manager.

Thank You.

-Ryan Vinton
Chairman Of The Board

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