Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Organized Team Activities 3/28 for Returning Players AND Trialists

It's late March already, and we have a little more than two months to get squared away for the summer. We plan on making big strides this season but that comes down to what the players put in to the team NOW. I am willing and eager to start running what I am considering "functional conditioning," working with drills that are focusing on situations that have been weaknesses in the past and incorporating an element of constant motion for aerobic and anaerobic performance.

Because we don't have field rights yet and many fields are recovering from a long, wet winter, we are going to practice at Blackbrook Park on the Hockey Court so it is a DRY LAND practice. DO NOT WEAR SPIKES.

I want to do this but I NEED to know at least 6 or so players are willing to make the commitment; if not this week then as soon as possible. However I am hoping to see a decent sized group available for 12:30 or 1:00 afternoon. PLEASE get back to the club or to my email, as soon as possible.

Blackbrook Park is in Whippany, GPS 90 Sunset Drive Hanover NJ

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